he's hot, he's intimidating, he's a moody bitch, has a attractive personality, great deep voice but also a stubborn piss off who makes you lose it. but good dick so worth it
I got with shiv last night
yeah up all night I mean its shiv
A person with a huge dick, and a good personality, always happy and the girls love him although he might be ugly , it's also a type of knife made out of anything but metal. And also is a hindu god
I shivved my date last night because she was fat
This lame dude tries to hang out, so i am going to shiv him
shiv- multiple meanings
1. to reject
2. to blow off
3. to ignore
Or to be “shiv” is to be dumb, stupid or annoying
Boy 1: She keeps shiving me bro
Boy 2: She’s not , she just has a boyfriend
Boy 1: Idk if i can go out tonight dude
Boy 2: Cmon bro don’t be shiv
Shiv is someone who gets no girls or play. He’s extremely awkward.
The big guy.
Someone not to be messed with.
The name literally means the god of destruction.
Don't mess with Shiv