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Space shuttle launch

When a girl is fucking a guy from on top. Both parties orgasm simultaneously. The male launches the female off of him with the last thrust. Ejaculating everywhere like the flames of the space shuttle.

"Last night I space shuttle launched Lauren up, into my ceiling fan "
"Damn is she ok?"
"No, she had to go to the hospital, and it was very hard to explain to her parents ."

by Not so Strong April 7, 2017

1👍 2👎

shuttle penguin

A small person fearless of small spaces.

"He's so good at cleaning those air ducts...he is one of our best shuttle penguins."

by MrNamegame September 28, 2013


British slang for being or getting shirtless for sexual purposes.

“Get shuttles babe” meaning take off your shirt for sex.

by ruggedscumslut August 19, 2023


a fucking retard

shuttle is a fucking retard
yea bro hes a fucking retard

by shuttleisafuckingnigger September 11, 2020

Blanco Space Shuttle

Blanco Space Shuttle is (as it implies) a space shuttle built by UltimateBlanco99 as a result to power their space lagoon, a giant cargo ship that has been built in space in minecraft and used to store all of UltimateBlanco's weapons, defenses and armor

UltimateBlanco99 teamed up with Osamabinlagden767 and TrumpGamerZ to build Blanco's Space Shuttle and Space Lagoon, but they unfortunately died by a random ass creeper that spawned in the Space Shuttle and blew both of them up

There it is! The Blanco Space Shuttle!

blow that shit up right now

by Boonduck December 11, 2024

douche shuttle

1. Ultimate phrase when comparing containers of douches.
2. The ultimate insult when talking to Scott or Joey.

Scott, you're a douche shuttle.

by tiffa wiffa January 15, 2009

Freedom Shuttle

any flotation device (barrels, wood, inner tubes, dolphins, etc.) used by Cubans to aid in the crossing of the Straits of Florida

Elian Gonzalez clings to freedom shuttle

by SLOACXR3 April 1, 2012