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Spastic Colan

An asshole that just won't sit still. An uncontrollable asshole,

Will you stop acting like a spastic Colan a d just sit still; hr was all over the place running his mouth like a spastic colan

by June 14, 2022


A condition manifested as a set of spasmodic muscle contractions and gleeful body movements caused mainly by classic rock songs that evoke nostalgia and can cause involuntary shaking, swinging, leg-bouncing, knee-slapping, head-jerking, fist-pumping, and generally rhythmic movements in tune with a favorite classic rock song. Also known as Chair-Dancing.

Wow, the new guy is going all rock-spastic over there at his desk, he must be listening to some classic rock on his headphones.

Dave wrecked that sweet-ass Chevy when he went all rock-spastic over some Pure Prairie League song.

by keyline September 20, 2017

Spastic Coupon

Means concept, idea, or deal that was or became convoluted, distorted, or got messed up to an unintended outcome.

I bought thing A at a good price and it turned out to have an issue that made it not a good price. It was a spastic coupon! That person appears to be good person but turned out to be a person that just used you. That person turned out to be a spastic coupon.

by Original42 November 19, 2012

Spastic head

The term "spastic head" is an insult, generally used when naming a highly strung individual.

Jack, settle down ya spastic head

by NEKMINUTE480 December 20, 2016


Will is a spastic who would kill to date Emily

Luke: oh here comes the spastic

Peter: he’s our friend!

by Unknown000888 October 25, 2019


the correct definition is someone with cerebral palsy, my definition is someone who acts stupid in the moment.

person 1: *drops pen*
person 2: “hahaha you’re spastic
person 1: “no you’re spastic”

by soton menace November 22, 2021



Wow Fraser is such a spastic.

by Gigi24127283930 February 25, 2022