Something my art teacher says to describe “good”
Logan: “What do you think?”
My art teacher: “Wow! That looks so spiffy!”
Ethan thinks we should be spiffy with our arbys run, as they close soon.
A good word to compliment someone.
Spongebob- you are looking spiffy today Gary!
Adj: used to describe something that is full of awesomeness
Person: "did you see those boots? they are so spiffy."
When a bri'ish lad is looking rather fabulous and you need a better look
"Damn james charles is looking spiffy today"
Dressed up, preferably in a suit and tie
Ethan: Man sure I look spiffy in this new suit and tie
another word for weed in the UK. probably heard it from the show SKINS.
“wanna do a little spiffy?”
“for sure mate.”