Source Code

Zombie Stomp

the act of continuing to beat someone, after you have already rendered them unconcious, so as to appear as mindless as a zombie, stomping out a helpless, prostrate individule

dude, i heard you really taught that guy a lesson, who who grabbed your girlfriends ass...

yeah, i completely zombie stomped the worthless motherfucker

by Centaution December 29, 2010

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Head Stomp

Head Stomp is when you are fucking a person doggy style, and you put your feet on their face, and make them smell your feet while fucking them.

It is usually used to show authority, and also mainly used on thots, hoes, and side chicks to degrade them, and remind them of their place or role.

I always head stomp her ass when we fuck. She just my side chick.

I had to head stomp her the other day, she forgot her role.

She better not never try to disrespect me, as many times I have head stomp her ass.

You wasn't calling me lame when I head stomped you, and I had my foot on your face. Bitch! What my feet smell like?

Head stomp Sex

by Freakymind89 March 14, 2017

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Gutter Stomp

To make somebody bite a gutter, then to stomp on their head thus shattering their teeth.

Hey Bradley, I am gonna gutter stomp you till your head is bleeding and then your girlfriend wont think your so pretty will she.

by Steven Wilkinson April 9, 2007

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curb stomping

During an assualt when a person is forced to bite the cement corner of a sidewalk and is then kicked in the head, trying to break the victim's jaw, usually fatally.

curb stomping. is. unpleasant.

by becca bo June 9, 2005

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Hetfield Stomp

The stomp that James Hetfield lead singer guitarist from Metallica does has his stadge move. As he sings and kills it on guitar he stomps a foot very aggressive and is like his form of a dance stadge move.

I was at this show the other night and bassist was rocking out was pulling off the Hetfield Stomp like it was his own move. It was bitchin'.

by Secrect Destroyer February 11, 2010

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hog stomp

A word to describ an obese person throwing a tantrum, there is usually lots of lard being thrown around or actually stomping in a manner that makes the ground shake

The woman hog stomped into the meeting, she was angry because fat bitches need lovin' too.

by Kevie March 9, 2004

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Candy Stomp

A dance used by ravers. Think of it as doing the step master on the floor while bouncing side to side. All the while using photons or Glowstick to make patterns in the air.

The bass on that song is great to Candy Stomp to.

by Dj Furby August 22, 2007

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