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Cancer is sign! And if you see a Cancer then you defenatially should keep them because they are really nice and caring and they protect their friends no matter what.But sometimed they can be kinda mean and cry over little thing.

OMG is that a Cancer??
Yes!And dont mess with their friends because you will end up bloody!

by kana1234 December 17, 2020


A diesease caused when one of your cells goes rogue and starts valueing its life over yours. So they kill you in an attept of survival.


by MrMrMemeyGuy August 21, 2017


a very effecient way to kill of a character in a movie or book.

Example used, "The Kissing Booth" Killing off Ellies mom with said "Cancer"

by RealNiggaAndar May 31, 2018


funniest thing in the world

it so funny when young children die of cancer omegalul

by HA LIBBY SLITS HER WRIST February 23, 2019


Dumbass cell that got too big
Zodiac signs aren't real. Grow up bitch.

"Did you hear that Joe got cancer?"
"Haha lmao"

by Isvinf January 24, 2022


cancer is user as a insult or curse in the netherlands. in dutch you say kanker.

ga kanker noten eten jij kanker julius.

kanker homo.
kanker mongool.
kanker marrokaan

shut up cancer whore.
cancer homo.

by juliuseetnoten69 June 15, 2021


a bad sickness that sucks fat btt

You could wake up one morning with cancer but iḿ healthy healthy people still get cancer

by my pseudonym WHATAREYOUONABOUT January 8, 2019