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Snoop dogg

He eats ass smokes grass and raps fast and will always be the king

Snoop dogg is a legend

by Grass is mass January 20, 2020

Snoop Dogg high

When some thing is out of control high, as in tall grass, high water.

She has cut her grass in weeks, it's snoop dogg high.

by Rosie Posie August 19, 2017

local snoop dogg

Means the known weed person in your area. May be a dealer or a stoner.

Gotta get more kush from the local snoop dogg

by Herbelille January 4, 2015

snoop dogg slippers

Slippers so nice they're fit for snoop

Damn son those are some nice ass snoop dogg slippers

by Snoopdoggandtimmyarethesame February 24, 2017