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Buddy, friend, dude; a term of endearment to a friend.

"Hey, bot, what'd you do this weekend?"
"Grab be another beer, bot!"

by Danyel October 27, 2007

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a crackhead whiteboy communist alcoholic stoner whose addicted to uppers, downers, yellows, blues, ethanol, methanol, zanie bars, fries, and all other drugs

Me: Yo bot, take all these drugs, then go get on that bus

Bot: finnnnnne bro, let me get some money

by botsbuddies August 20, 2006

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Term for Mountain Dew used in small town Wisconsin. The word was Created by a retard. Also called Bot Dew

Hey man lets go on a Bot run.

Dhalk gimmie that Bot.

by Jesse Helms November 19, 2005

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A bot

A bot is a word that says ur bad at fortnite which is used by fortnite addicts like Freddie Bourke

Ur such a bot ๐Ÿค™๐Ÿพ Wagwun g

by Shamonehehe May 28, 2019

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you are slow and think like a computer and are also terrible at video games

Your a bot

by I am who they say I am December 19, 2018

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Widely renowned as the nicest clan on the game Vertix.io. They are also know for high levels of skill.

person 1: boi, these guys are pro
person 2: they must be on the BOT! clan

by Supercap November 29, 2016

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An insult to a person (basically a synonym for bitch )

John: hey did you hear about the new dude at work
Charlie: yeah i met him he's a total bot

by LeRealPrincessPeach January 25, 2019

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