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all hot tubs cold

The term "all hot tubs cold" refers to the disapproval of ones current condition. Also, this phrase has been utilized in the Dave Chapelle show. In which Chapelle really cracks my ass up.

Man, I hate on any nogga...I hate on a nogga with shoes , with a wife, man I hate cars, I hate all the actors all the rappers man, I want all hot tubs cold...!

by Wildkracker May 3, 2004

8👍 5👎

Hot Tub Snow Monkey

The guy in the hot tub that, like the Hot Tub Meerkat, can't quite commit to sitting all the way down but, damnit, they are trying, resulting in an act that resembles the Japanese Snow Monkey.

I was heading to the hot tub when i spotted the Hot Tub Snow Monkey and decided it was too fucking weird, I think i'll hit the sauna.

by John Wesley February 9, 2008

6👍 5👎

hot tub ice cream

When a steamy Vtuber gets into a hot tub and creates a sweet-smelling aroma and a fluffy white hue resembling that of ice cream.

I can't wait to see my favorite Vtuber make some of that sweet hot tub ice cream.

by Court4Jester April 27, 2021

hot tub time machine

When you fuck a girl while drunk, wake up and whish you hadn't. then next you see her, you get drunk again, and fuck her again. and still wish you hadn't

when we got to chilli's, biegel stayed away from reba, but after four beers he did a hot tub time machine and took her home.

by cusacker November 14, 2009

24👍 89👎

hot tub blow job

Hot tub blow job

I got a hot tub blow job

by Bigrblue March 11, 2017

1👍 1👎

One of those hot tub nights

when there isn't anything going on, so you and a few buddies get really drunk and hook up in a hot tub, but none of you remember the next morning.

you-"the party got canceled tonight. What are we gonna do?"
friend-"i dont know, looks like it could just be another one of those hot tub nights."

by myriam-websters ugly twin January 15, 2012

2 bros chillin in a hot tub

i know what your thinking, you think that 2 bros chillin in a hot tub is gay BUT dont worry they were 5 feet apart cause they’re not gay

guy 1 “hey wanna chill in the hot tub”
guy 2 “sure but we have to be 5 feet apart”
guy 1 “yea ofcores”
guy 2 “2 bros chillin in a hot tub”
guy 1 “5 feet apart cause they’re not gayyy

by ching chong asshat April 19, 2020

10👍 2👎