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super sigma Ohio skibidi toilet tv women mewing

I'm bored pls help

is it super sigma Ohio skibidi toilet tv women mewing

by skibidisigmaword April 29, 2024

Mew Mew Shoot

This is a magical place on the woman where your troubles can be lost. Those with Salami vortex does not have this. Male anatomy can enter and enjoy its heavenly embrace.

Trey got to enter the mew mew shoot and he swore he spoke with Jesus and he told him to nut inside.

by BookBuddeh July 9, 2023

Mew Mew Rocca

Cat poop eaten by dogs.

Sparky! Drop the Mew Mew Rocca! Now!

by ScubaKatPNW August 27, 2023


The latest cringe slang of our generation of 2024- for showing off a chiseled jawline

“That guy has been mewing the whole school day”
“That guy has been mewing all over instagram/tiktok/youtube

by alwaysannoyed May 4, 2024


A gen alpha slang that means making the jaw more square by placing the tongue on the roof of the mouth.

Dude 1: Hi!
Dude 2: I am busy. I am mewing!

by dswqsa895 March 19, 2024


Mewing is a way to change your jawline so that you look like a gigachad, it has also turned into a meme.

I've been Mewing for 3 years now, and the results are outstanding.

by youngboygaming March 4, 2024


Mewing involves keeping your tongue pressed to the roof of your mouth to change your jawline's shape. When someone tries talking to a person that is mewing, the person will put their index finger on their mouth (the 'shh' gesture) and then put their index finger on where their jawline starts and run it down their jawline.

ex. "Dude! Did you see John Doe's jawline in the group picture?"
"Yeah! I heard he's been mewing!"

by uhidkmanyouaskme June 15, 2024