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synonym: trash, garbage, gum on the bottom of your foot

Razze A channel on youtube ran by a short mexican who has nothing better to do in life but bully people and play videogames. He cant even bowl a 300...ewww

by Kleksabder Arass November 15, 2018

Law of Razz

The Rule of Razz states the following: "If only one person in a heterosexual relationship is overweight, it is the female".

Frede: "Man, I don't understand why he wants to be with her.."
Cole: "Yeah dude, it's like totally the Law of Razz!"

by dascoolword December 19, 2017

on the razz

On the coke and lime (without the lime)

On the razz again

by razzterfarian August 26, 2021

On the razz

out enjoying oneself or celebrating, esp. while drinking freely

You’re back late! Have you been on the razz?

I’m feeling awful mate. I was on the razz last night.

by SuttonWand March 20, 2022

friendly razzing

Being flirtatious, but in a friendly way

"I was friendly razzing that chick the other night, she thought i wanted in"

by higglygif May 9, 2016

Razzed up

1. Full of energy and enthusiasm.

2. The state of being seriously intoxicated, generally referring to alcohol.

Marlene was so razzed up yesterday at Beverly Hills!

by Cooksucker123 January 15, 2023

razz the chazz

Getting the fuck out of a public establishment

Bobby just razzed the chazz
I think I’m gonna razz the chazz

by RaucosBeater July 9, 2022