Source Code

Huck Seed

- Showing total and utter disregard for any type of emotion.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Wife: "I've cheated on you with your best friend"
Husband: "ok."

WOW that guy just 'Huck Seeded' her.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Lawyer: "I'm very sorry but you've lost everything you own."

Person: " Cool!! "

Lawyer: " If you give me your concentration for 5 minutes we can try and get it back, I know how!!!!! "

* Person keeps a straight face, gets up and walks out the building. "

Lawyer " WTF!! Did that guy just huck seed me?? "

by DTD-Buddeh October 2, 2011

10πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


one who likes to seed a lot on torrents till they have a high enough ratio on a torrent.

Mr-O : hey look at how much ive uploaded on these torrents
Mr-J : Dude you have uploaded a lot on them torrents.....

by MR-J April 30, 2010

Seed and feed

When you cum in your partner to plant the seed, then urinate in them to release the feed. The nitrogen in the urine will fertilize the seed.

After a hard day of farming I gave the wife a nice seed and feed.

by Shawnboy04 May 1, 2020

Seed Thief

A woman who seduces a man into having sex with her so she can have a baby. The man may be a willing participant in the sex, but has no desire to father a child. He is usually duped into having unprotected sex with the woman. After the child is born, the woman will experience the joys of motherhood while the man is stuck paying for most of the expenses.

"I had a great time with Heather last night!"

"Did you use protection??"
"Nope, she let me go in raw dog!"
"You idiot, that girl is a certified seed thief. You better hope she doesn't get pregnant or else you're paying for her baby."

by Seedthiefguy April 7, 2021

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Polly Seeds

Sunflower Seeds

I love polly seeds. What are polly seeds? Sunflower seeds are polly seeds! How did they get that name? Parrots say, "Polly want a cracker" and parrots eat sunflower seeds.... so they are called polly seeds!

by Luke975 May 21, 2010

71πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž

Pumpkin Seed

A true gem of a lady. A very cute and beautiful and beautiful enchantress whose charm and elegance are never to be underestimated.

"Hello pumpkin seed! How gorgeous you look today!"

by Pooklescratch March 22, 2010

77πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž

Joesph Seed

A despot that resides in Hope County, Montana. Leads the Project at Eden’s Gate cult and is considered crazy to all but his disciples. He will do anything to indoctrinate normal folk yet will consider himself the better man in every outcome; the ultimate hypocrite. He uses the drug cocktail he calls Bliss to bend people’s will and makes knife-tats on others to expose their sins. Also well-known for evading warrants and nuclear attacks.

Joesph Seed! I have a warrant for your arrest!

Fuck Joesph.

by SharterStarter July 1, 2019

12πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž