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Don’t Pull A Quentin

A phrase that you say to people that could ghost you for multiple days

Bro cmon, don’t pull a Quentin

by swedish fish addiction July 5, 2021

san quentin massage

Anal penetration. Good old prison rape.

Person 1: Damn. That Waleed Ahmed got sentenced 10 years at San Quentin, yo.
Person 2: Shiiit. That boy gonna get the San Quentin massage, brah.

by bramchari June 4, 2017

to turn to Quentin

to go totally mad, including violence and murder

Somenone gets straight on yo' balls. He seems to be destined for a punch in his balls. So enough is enough - you turn to Quentin and give him what he wants.

by Juggler Cultist February 20, 2004

1👍 7👎

San Quentin mating call

A fart among a bunch of horny incarcerated men.

In a jail holding cell:

Man, I gotta cut one.

Dude, keep a tight sphincter. You don't want to be letting out no San Quentin mating call here.

by TJ3 February 3, 2010


stinky, emitting a very BAD BAD smell and a nerd also fat and not fatte cause thats a good thing

- matt u

quentin-and-warren are such quentin-and-warren emitting of bad smell thus being nerdy

by lambytan November 8, 2021

quentin hugo

a Quentin Hugo is a lazy prick who only has one dream, and that is to be a pro gamer. The only profession he will find is either a fast-food clerk or a prostitute.

Quentin Hugo is so lazy
Yeah, he is so dumb

by pipkolendy April 26, 2018

Quentin Tarantino

A director for sad boys and simps alike. Typically will gaslight you and try to belittle you. They will act as if they are superior to be able to understand the ~essence~ of Quentin Tarantino films

Have you ever seen pulp fictions? It’s by the BEST DIRECTOR IN THE WHOLE DAMN WORLD!! have you ever heard of him? His name is Sir Quentin Tarantino.

by lilttlemissturtleneck November 7, 2020