Source Code


To have Walker's feen rubbed all over ones face cuz he toed you once he told you twice

Bro did you witness him get toed?

by Lillyofthespedshed September 16, 2023

Tos ‘n Topple

Drinking game.

Two warriors face off to the death.
Players take turns throwing a ping pong ball at a full centre cup.

1. If a player gets it in and the second player misses, the second player takes a sip from the cup.
2. If a player gets it in and the second player gets it in too, the first player drinks the sip.
3. If no players get it in, play continues until rule 1 or 2 are reached.

Invented by: @loudon__annandale and @that.guy.lee

Person 1: Let’s play Tos ‘n topple
Person 2: Fuck yeah, I want to get drunk

by that.guy.lee January 5, 2024

post tos

Posting of opinions, information and extracts on the web

Hope the post tos are well received and relished like a bowl of poast toasties – yeah – I’ll toast to that with my slice of toast this here morn.

by Hercolena Oliver April 20, 2009

Tippy Toed


Wait so you said you didn't like her but didn't you say you fucked her yesterday. Yo lyin ass get. tippy toed

by XxBoomer69cheeck_claperxX November 30, 2019


adj. Extremely stubborn, especially when forced to change a habit.

iBook G4, a laptop ten years old and severely obsolete, was a sign that he was very steel-toed about upgrading computer equipment.

by joedizzle August 12, 2015


The act of becoming drunk. Derived from the Chemical offhand notation of ethanol the main ingredient in alcoholic beverages (EtOH --> E-TOH --> E-toed). Typically seen among the intellectual community.

After my organic chemistry final I got super E-toed. Thank god i wont have to touch an epoxide until the MCAT

by mesutozilfan5 December 13, 2010