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Turkey Twizzler

That good rough sex that has her yelling your or whoever else she is sleeping with's name

"Did you give that girl Megan a good beefing?"
"Yes I absolutely Turkey Twizzled her until she screamed Whiskey (my dog's name)!"

Turkey twizzler is the best sex, almost forbidden

by MiniestCam March 9, 2021

Cock Twizzler

A twizzler made of cocks, typically multiple braided into the form of a twizzler.

Oh my god! Tori you turned the quadruplets into a cock twizzler!

by Burnt_Cheezit June 23, 2022

Kiddie Twizzler

An Irish derogatory term (used mostly in Cork) to call someone a pedophile or child molester

"Feen's a kiddie twizzler"

by mattm3her May 27, 2018

Off a Twizzler

When someone is acting inappropriately, or when an inanimate object acts out of character, or unexpectedly

My playstation says it will take 13 hours to download fortnite, shits off a twizzler

by Carl Meageington July 6, 2022

Cum Twizzler

Folding your tongue into the shape of a coke straw and sucking up cum/jizz from your partners body in a straight line before spitting it out on them and vacuuming it back up with your tongue and repeating.

That bitch is a real cum twizzler! She uses her tongue to suck up a line of cum as if she is a cokewhore snorting up a line of coke!

by Drakey 313 May 24, 2022

Kentucky Twizzler Watermelon Seed

When a guy cums in his own mouth then blows it into a girl's vagina which ends up getting her pregnant.

Man, what the fuck you got me pregnant with the Kentucky Twizzler Watermelon Seed...

by catlo3 October 24, 2020

Kentucky Twizzler

When you drink your own cum through a Twizzler...

Mann... John did the Kentucky Twizzler with his own cum, that's fucked up woe

by catlo3 October 24, 2020