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a very stupid person who says they dont eat living things though they eat plants? hmmm yeah think about it.

gangsta: ayoo you want a burger homie?

vegetarian: aww god noo i dont eat anything that was living sorry. i'll just go eat these living plants over here.

homie: bitch stop playing yo self you know you want some BK right now grrl have it yo way.

by K@yT33 August 4, 2008

29πŸ‘ 64πŸ‘Ž


The idiots who try to tell us that soy beans substitute meat. They also forget that humans are designed with CANINE teeth to rip apart flesh, and a short digestive system that contains hydrochloric acid to quickly break down protein within 2 hours. Also, humans are NOT designed to eat only vegetables because WE CANNOT DIGEST CELLULOSE!!!! if we WERE true herbivores, we would have more than one stomach, and bacteria that cn break down cellulose. We also have large brains because of millions of years of eating MEAT and NOT tofu, plus we HAD to eat meat because we evolved in a place where food was hard to find so we had to eat what we could get, including animals.

Yup. I agree that Vegetarianists are incredibly stupid to ignore a few simple aspects of human anatomy.

Let's put all the Vegetarianists on an island and populate it with lions, mosquitos, ticks, bears, crocodiles, snakes, wolves, and cougars, and enjoy watching the Vegetarianists try to preach their religious nonsense to these animals who will see them as food.

by Cult Watcher April 7, 2003

100πŸ‘ 257πŸ‘Ž


The worst lifestyle anyone could possibly choose.

They typically go by the term "asshole" because of the shitty "too good for you" attitude they carry around in that tiny dick.

Being vegetarian causes ones dick to commonly shrink, being unattractive. Vegetarian females tend to have a bushy pussy also very unattractive and causes their breasts and ass to flatten.

Zoe: umm is there a vegetarian option?
Meat eaters: suck it up it's just a cow
Zoe: meat is murder!
Meat eaters: stfu bitch, nobody loves you

by Load.... November 8, 2019

3πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


A person who is a crazy ass motherfucker

woah though people are vegetarians

by cheer4rhams101 October 28, 2007

55πŸ‘ 135πŸ‘Ž


A cruel diet that is about eating plants.

I became a meatarian because I love plants too much to eat them. I saw pain, suffering, saddness, fear, and death.

by I took over Australia and have blue hair. May 25, 2003

44πŸ‘ 107πŸ‘Ž


Someone who believes that the only cost of raising food is land area.

When the simple truth is you can apply more labor, machines and chemicals to plant farming per area than to ranching animals because plants are less "alive" or sensitive. But that does not mean more effective unless you are planning to populate every possible square inch of the Earth with humans. Doesn't that objection to being raised in dense confinement and on restricted diet apply to people as well as animals?

First vegetarians forget organic farming is dependent on animal ranching for fertilizer. Human waste alone would be diminishing returns.

Vegetarians forget to mention that 3rd world farmers can ranch meat animals by simply turning them loose on any land with any plants and gather them up when ready to harvest. The labor is limited to protecting from theft, predators, and occasional birth assistance. No machines or chemicals required.

Vegetarians lie and describe the cost of farming as if plant farmers are only gatherers of wild produce. Real vegetable farming requires a lot more labor in tilling soil, gathering, and storage plus pest and weed control than animal ranching.

Vegetarians "forget" to mention that a lot less land area is suitable for human edible plant farming than animal farming. And the sea is almost zero directly human edible plants. Animals can eat many plants humans cannot.

On a modern scale grains and vegetable are far more machinery and cash intensive than raising animals for meat even when divided among the people that can be fed -- assuming that you do not restrict the amount of land and water the rancher can use.

by Al Gore Killer February 10, 2010

10πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž


vegetariansthey are just people that make meat eaters feel bad about what they eat and they worship peta and they make commercial with hot ass chick which doesnt really help it only makes you more hornier. they make you feel responsible about eating meat note you are not responsible your undirectibly unresponsible its not like you killed the cow your self eat and they donate money to websites to peta and whatnot dnt give in to vegetarians

vegetarian kid "dnt eat meat ur reaponsible become vegetarian"
meat eater "stupid cunt is he supposed to make us feel bad and expect us to throw away our burgers fucking vegetarians"

by relentlessβ„’ April 2, 2009

44πŸ‘ 115πŸ‘Ž