Typically an adventurous eccentric person who likes sports and working out. Can be creative and passionate about many things.
Warwick means warrior so these people never give up.
Tend to be very handsome and popular
I hope to be like Warwick some day
A fucking underrated champion in league of legends who took steriods and transformed into a SMEXY lookin werewolf
Wow my Im low but im under my turret Im definitely sure I dont need to recall.
*died like a fucking dumbass*
When you didn't have a dictionary and decide to misspell the child's name.
Usually associated with midgets with chicken legs and big wanking arms.
Hi my name is Warwick.
I'm special I get red squiggly lines under my name on microsoft word.
I also play with my poo and pretend I'm Willy Wonka
It's a champion in league of legends.
Warwick was once an human but after a brutal expirement from Singed(another league champ) he trasformed himself into a werewolf with a machine on his back pumping a liquid in his veins when he feels rage, pain or fear, causing him to be more aggressive in those situation.
In game warwick it's a bruiser/offtank that has insanely lifesteal from his passive, his q and his R.
For ability information check out in game :D
Warwick is running faster than a beam of light.
Ryze,buy a Morello to counter Warwick's lifesteal
A trashy middle school where all the boys act like they are from the hood and all the girls are hoes. Everyone there is either fighting with someone or failing all there classes
Person: What school you go?
Other person: Warwick middle school.
Person: That sucks