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Bed Wench

A disrespectful term used against Black Women in relationships with non-Black Men - usually White Men which has roots in the transatlantic slave trade when White Men would rape Black Women. The term is used by Black Men who although sleep with White Women have an issue with the reverse and Black Women who are sickened by Black Women engaging with a White Man due to being conditioned to see White Men as devils

Black Man desperate for sex: *sends a White Woman, a "hi baby, want to come over" text*

*Scrolls through instagram and sees a young interracial couple involving a Black girl and her White boyfriend*

*Types "Look at this bed wench" in her comments*

*Throws phone on his dirty mattress and waits for Becky to come over*

by Eri567 May 23, 2022

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Bit of a slaggy bitch

Ugh, that Helen is a bit of a wench

by Dr.Rabbi January 10, 2015

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a group of girls who populate Look its me LIM chat on a regular basis.

"you know that country/baby/blonde/durham wench?"

by Helsiee May 8, 2005

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quench wench

There are several types of quench wenches out in the world. There are the ones that work at golf courses that drive around in the cart all day bringing people beer. The other kind is the girls who work for sports team and their main concern is keeping the players hydrated.

Damn I'm thirsty! When is that quench wench coming around???

by HommyB September 22, 2005

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A word that two pig-loving muppets used to describe the two most gorge girls in the year, when trying to insult them they didint even know what it meant!

"Fiona and Charlotte are a pair of wenches-oink oink!"

by Char and Fi March 18, 2005

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Disgraceful Wench

A female that dresses like Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz during the day, has a boyfriend that looks like the Keebler Elf, and wears promiscuous clothing when she goes swimming.

Chloe: I went swimming with Jonah last night.
Avery: Chloe, you are a disgraceful wench

by Birdman09 June 17, 2022

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Bear Wench

A hoe who lies about having to work then fakes and says she no longer has to go to work even though no one could give 2 shits whether she had to work or didn't have to work in the 1st place.

Bear Wench: I can't make it because I have to work for an hour today but leave the door unlocked because there's a good chance I'll be right back because somehow the work I had to do will be cancelled

by Donkz June 25, 2011

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