'Woke' = a word used by those of a very low intellect to highlight the fact they are unable to win any argument or discussion on any subject due to sheer ignorance and lack of knowledge of the world.
Usually used by xenophobes, misogynists, racists and in general readers of the corrupt, billionaire owned and run MSM press.
Using 'woke' in any discussion / debate / online rant, is the equivalent of waving a 'white flag of surrender' and highlighting that person's sheer stupidity and inability to back up their own ill-informed prejudices and ignorance with any coherent dialogue.
''I'm not going to waste my time debating or arguing with people whom are obviously woke !!''
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Woke is a play on the word awake. It is used as (enlightened) or as a higher sense of awareness. It started as a joke and a meme and could be applied to almost any situation in a joking manner. However the word woke was taken over by the boomer’s, as political propaganda. The left used the word to describe their ideals as superior. The right used the word to demean anything that came from the left using it in an ironic way but with malice.
In reality if your third eye is opened. If you can read a book. If you can make a google search and make it to the second page. If your friend was wrong about something simple and you were right. If you understand that chocolate milk is amazing. YOU’RE WOKE FOOL
Bob- “Chocolate milk is one of the best drinks.”
Billy- “Damn he must be w o k e. ”
Karen- “I think I just figured out how to solve world hunger”
Sharon- “wow I didn’t know you were so woke”
Steve- “Hey man can you believe the woke left was mad at Trump with the Mexican border situation but doesn’t realize it’s worse now?”
Jeremy- “ I know they are so ignorant I wish they would stop trying to push their Woke agenda”
The last two examples of Woke are how it should not be used
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To not be asleep or to rouse from sleep.
I woke up with a massive stonker, i had to throw one out to get rid of it!
When I woke up this morning my keks were spunky wet, must've had a wet dream!
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Self-righteousness masquerading as enlightenment.
Woke Willy: Believe women and empower women. Don't believe women and empower rapists.
Skeptical Sammy: Your wokeness is showing.
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A view that had noble & reasonable beginnings but fell into becoming a deductive ideology that categorizes humans in two main categories: as oppressors & oppressed.
Such as the view that wealth is only attainable via exploitation of humans.
That 50% of humanity as sexists, as is the case in the 'The Gender Wealth Gap'.
Or that humans can't discuss other demographics unless they are that demographic.
(sex/skin/genders/wealth status/sexuality)
The ideology does not encourage independence (ex: financial or social) as much as it encourages hatred of humanity as a sort of brave act.
Wokeness shares parallels with Ancient Christianity, for example:
Humans need to absolve themselves of their 'sins', be it social or economic.
The 'sin' of wealth, of being white, of being male, etc.
Linda: Elon Musk has managed to make rockets reusable, humans are going to live on other planets.
Sara: Doesn't matter he's a billionaire.
Sophie: Claire is dating Ahmed, they seem to be in love & care for each other.
Sara: She can still be a racist, that's not woke.
Kareem: Men & women have different risk raking behaviors, this may illustrate why the sexes earn differently.
Jeff: That's a very sexist thought Kareem, men and women are equal.
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A non-linear, conscionable or unconscionable, fluid state of being knowledgeable, aware and mindful of
the pertinent intricacies and oftentimes unclear aspects of culture, communication and ritual in regards
to race, equality and injustice; and further an enlightenment to the nature of truth and language in
relation to an individual’s own perspective of self, other, or that of a collective.
Malcolm X was Woke.
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