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Cristian's Best friend

Look at that Cristian and Aaron what an iconic duo.

by Appl4896 May 20, 2021


just a name...
thats all

Aaron: my name is fine

by donatetocharityboi January 3, 2022


Someone who’s nice and kind, but also rough and brave, will do anything prompted

Normally has a thundercock

Aaron’s thundercock left that girl shaking for days he really blew her back out

by Adudenamedyourmom June 20, 2022


A boy who loves to play alot of video games but is never good at them

Theo : 1v1 me
Aaron : no I'm too scared

by Dave is the man 16 November 18, 2019


To smash and pass in the most literal sense. Typically used in the casino. No “N” words allowed.

Michael & Olivier “Damn fool you gonna date cami after taking her to prom?”
Aaron “nah imma pull an Aaron lmao”
Michael “...savage”

by Sosjndkdnaskdnwksndk May 9, 2019


Slave, nigger, wants mad cock up his ass

I'm feeling like a monkey, Aaron

by kadsfnamdsf March 6, 2024


Aaron’s usually tend to be very cocky and competitive but they can be sweet and respectful

L: hey aaron u look good today

Aaron: I know

by kia_r4 May 22, 2022