a country most associated with guns and obese people
It's a fucking CONTINENT. Not a couuntry. Get your shit together, arrogants bitches.
America was named after Amerigo Vespucci, an italian explorer who participied in two travels to the New Continent
A country that bases themselves to be Number one in every way when that is not the case. They stole their land off native Americans and claimed to have “discovered it”. They expect people to praise them for winning a few wars from 1400s. They are also fat
Katy: Go back to where you came from America is my country!!!
POC: No Katy you go back to where YOU came from England may not want you but nobody else does anyway so fuck right off ya bastar’.
- Wave you wead my com got obese?
- It smells America here
america is a country of greatness! ᵃⁿᵈ ᵃˡᵒᵗ ᵒᶠ ⁿᵒᵗ ˢᵒ ᵍʳᵉᵃᵗ ˢᵗᵘᶠᶠ its a country of 50 states, thats why its called the "USA"
funny enough its pronounced united states OF america yet when they shorten the sentence its "USA" and not "USOA"
yea uhm and dont forget the white people with huge inflated egos, they are everywhere
america is the (probably) most well known country of all time
guy1: hey did you see that guy over there, hes from america
guy2: thats why his standards for women are so low
guy1: true
America is a place that produces the scariest most horrid creatures, in the area of LA (los angelos) Attention suckers will chase you screaming with a large camera in their hand "HOW MUCH DOES YOUR RENT COST) and will make sure to never cover your face when asked. Texas has violent creatures that hold pistols saying its their right to hand a MAC-10 to their 5 year old. Florida produces gay haters in the vast heat but on the positive side has the best gator wrestlers. Many more dangerous areas exist in America but the real danger is the acidic food, killing any european that is nearby, the most deadly being Mc Donalds, which has the same affects as hiroshima to normal people. Note: this is my first definition so its probably bad :-:
Bob: Why does no one come to america anymore?
Emily: I dont know! its so much better than smelly europe and asia!
Axle walks in
Axle: wtf
*axle starts vomiting and foaming at the mouth from the food.
A country whose history is entirely built upon angry white men and where the only people that have human rights are angry white men!
Todd: I love America!
Aaron: You're favorite country is filled with angry white men?
Todd: No... It's diverse and the land of the free!
Aaron: The angry white men are the only people who have fucking rights.
Todd: well okay then, I'll just move to Canada