An anime jock is an anime fan who does the following. They hate on weak main characters and talk down on them. You can see them in the comment section on an anime page. they say things like, "the MC is a wuss" "I hate the MC he is so weak." They just expect every main characters to man up and be strong and some would take the worse route expecting the MC to man up and be strong from the get go and shame them otherwise. An anime jock could also be a subtitle supremist shunning on people who honestly prefer dubs. they're like the anime fan's equivalent of the so called "cool" kids we hear about in school.
why do i have the funny feeling that these "Shinji is a wussy and blah blah blah weak MC" comments might have been made by a bunch of anime jocks?
The news tells you less animals are being surrendered during the pandemic. They weren't being surrendered before the pandemic, people are just home now to keep animal control from taking them from where they live.
If you weren't home at the time, the girl would call animal control to get your pet taken from you, the difference during the pandemic is that people are home that keep that from happening now.
Literally a Lesbian Anime.
I watch this Lesbian Anime
The rules of the fun game Opposite Animal are as follows:
(1) The round begins with one person naming any animal.
(2) A second person then names the animal that is the opposite of that animal.
(3) Any participant may affirm or deny the merits of (2) as it relates to (1).
(4) If (2) is deemed not to be the opposite animal of (1), the game continues until the opposite animal is identified.
(5) Once the opposite animal is identified, return to (1).
Mohammed: "Hey guys, what's the opposite animal of a wooly mammoth?"
Kim: "Probably like an emperor penguin."
Fatema: "No, that can't be right, they both live in cold habitats."
Kim: "What about a pit viper?"
Fatema: "Hm, that sounds about right."
Mohammed: "Pit viper is correct."
Kim: "Well, what's the opposite animal of a hammerhead bat?"
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When you fill a bathtub with various types of warmed animal semen, usually farm animals, and bathe in it.
Man I really enjoyed that Animal Farm last night.
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a moment when you have an acute realization that you're watching anime
When that anime character said "nani" I had an intense anime moment.