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Ben Shapiro

Some guy that hates leftists and sounds like a mosquito, and he sounds almost normal if you put him on 0.75 speed
Also a very antisemitic jewish man

Person 1: who was the guy that sounds like a bug and hates the left
Person 2: Ben Shapiro, and also did you know he has a wife?
Person 1: what.

by Threatening Gay Person March 8, 2023

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Ben Chen

A former Master LOL player from Rutherford who is very very chill and watches animes during class even when the teacher is right in front of him. Lately in his life, he got banned for boosting people :(

Oi, that Ben Chen is pulling fat manus again!
Yo Ben, what anime are you watching?
Unlucky with that account Ben, better luck boosting next time.

by Kip McGrath March 9, 2020

7๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Ben Mckee

The bassist for imagine dragons and the most awesome person in the world. He's really cool and funny and likes cats.
If you haven't heard of him you should

Person 1" hey who's your favorite member of imagine dragons"
Person 2 "Ben McKee"

by Darkyn October 29, 2018

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Bill and Ben

Two identical Flowerpot men who came out of their flowerpots to play with their sunflower mate Weed in the garden when the gardener went for his dinner. Cause they were identical one of them would make a minor mishap and the viewers had to guess which one of them done it. Bill and Ben would eventually shit their selves and leg it back to their flowerpots when they heard the footsteps of the gardener. Bill and Ben also had their own unintelligible language called "oddle poddle". For example "flobado" meant "hello". This language was considered hugely popular and some obsessed fans even use it as their first lanuage, they find it very hard to make it through life.

Bill and Ben: "Flobadob, Ickle Weed" ("Hello, Little Weed")
Weed: "Weeeed" ("Weeeed")

by Tricko July 25, 2006

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Ben Kowalewicz

A very unique vocalist and an AMAZING lyricist as well as the front man for Canadian band Billy Talent. True fans can obviously spell his name...the person who wrote the other Ben Kowalewicz entry is probaply some dumb ass prep kid who spent a whole week trying to learn his name 'cause he is "SOOO HAWT LYKE OMG!!1!!!1!!!11!1" he's 31 girls, he's not interested. Ben is an awesome person, who fights for animal rights and is just a nice person in general who couldn't care less about what you think of him (if it's negative). Ever since Billy Talent really broke through with MTV they've doubled their fan base, which they deserve, but unfortunately now they've taken a turn towards the dark side.

All these preppy girls will undoubtedly ruin Billy Talent.

But Ben is awesome. One of a kind.

My friend: Look there's Ben!

Me: Sweet but who are all those people around him?

My friend: A bunch of preppy girls (who all look the same by the way) oggling him, I bet they don't even know the titles of the songs Billy Talent just played

Me: Dammit, Billy Talent's image is being tarnished, Ben Kowalewicz, Ian, Jon and Aaron deserve better than that...oh well off to go listen to Stutterfly

by Retaliation-Vocals October 2, 2006

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friends with bens

See also "friends with benefits." A further slang of the aforementioned slang.

The mutual attraction between two friends that is acted on in a purely sexual manner. The individuals do not consider themselves to be bound by the constraints of a "relationship." They are merely friends in all aspects except for the added bedroom "benefits."

Alternately, a committed pair who officially "break up," though continue their sexual relationship.

a Joe and Mary were in a dating "dry spell" and decided to become friends with bens for awhile.

b Although Joe and Mary broke up two months ago, they still have a lot of sleepovers. Must be a friends with bens situation.

by Anonymous Individual February 15, 2006

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Bill and Ben

To place your face between two huge tits shake your head and blow, resulting in the famous Bill and Ben catch phrase "flobberdobberdobberdobber"

As I slowly encroached apon her hugh pendulous bussom I felt compelled to perform a Bill and Ben. I buried my face in the soft comfort of her breasts, blew hard and... "flobberdobberdobberdobber"

by Juan Hunglow April 28, 2010

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