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Big Yoshi

Our lord and savior, the reason human kind is a thing. It is a superior being compared to us, its bodily figure is an immediate attraction.

Guy 1: thank you lord big yoshi
Guy 2: what is a big gosh I
Guy 1: "burns Guy 2 to death in the name of big yoshi"

by Near3301 April 28, 2019

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Big Mill

Is a saying based on a person who can slam dunk balls, and bench alot.

That guy just did a Big Mill.

by boobear12322134 May 17, 2010

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Big break

To be discovered; particularly of an artist, entertainer, comedian, musician, actor or one with some other special talent.

....that was his first role and thatโ€™s all it took for him to get his big break.

by Watercup68 September 19, 2018

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big douche

Noun-assface; jackass; knucklehead

1. big douche

first person: Dude, i saw this guy at the mall and he was the definition of a big douche.

Second person: Oh really, was it Jefe?

first person: Actually, yea it was!

by Jefe's mom April 26, 2011

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Big Juice

Being a savage with everything you do.

Damm big juice, you such a savage

by Savage mate August 10, 2016

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big ss

- extremely rare
- something that happens once in a blue moon
- is scared of the phuongie-itis disease
- can be invisible in the darkness
- is the speed of light
- can glow in the dark

aka. God like, edward cullen.


by stalker-alert March 18, 2009

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Big Al

A nickname for anyone called Alan who emits large amounts of alpha chad energy non-stop. Big Al produces so much alpha chad energy that any female caught within a 10 meter radius will instantly undress. Big Al's usually grasp large amounts of power and are able to bend reality to their will. They are Gods disguised as humans.

Fletcher: Holy shit! There's a Big Al!
Nick: Nah mate, don't fuck with him. His chad energy is too strong.

by chefffy August 21, 2020

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