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Boo Shit

The Fun Way of Saying Bull Shit

Mom: No phone for a month!!!
Me: But... But....
Mom: No ifs, ands or buts about it.
Me: Mom, thats boo shit.

by Drew2015 July 3, 2012

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wassup boo

When a douchebag tries to get a girl for the night at the hotel club.

"Oh damn, look at that booty!"
(Approaches booty)
"Aye, wassup boo"

by TheDouche141 January 4, 2014

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boo ca

Statement made from bro to bro when something awesome just happened.

Bro no. 1: "The wife just turned me loose for a road trip AND let me stick her in her butt." "Boo ca"

Bro no. 2: "boo ca"

by booca June 19, 2014

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Boo Hopping

Boo Hopping ( booh-hΓΆpen-(v.) ; When you hop on the back of a car's bumper and hold on, thus being pulled by the car giving you a ski, slide or tow motion. Car skidding.

I can't wait for the winter so I can be boo hopping all the newest cars!

by G.O.R.K. June 18, 2015

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boo stank

a guy or girl who is not your "significant other" but you have sex with and he/she is your best bud.

ie. boo stank, baby boy, cut buddy, buddy, bae, baby etc

by Killa Cat August 17, 2011

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Thug Boo

Term of endearment for someone that you are dating that is rough around the edges, very street & very hood. You consider this person to be your significant other, girlfriend, boyfriend or really close friend.

I haven't seen you in a while- oh you been chillen with your new boyfriend!
Girl I don't have a boyfriend, he's just my thug boo!

by Yellagirl May 2, 2008

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When you are standing quite a distance away from your boo, possible behind an object which leaves you partially hidden, and you want to let them know you are thinking of them, you wave from that distance hoping they will see you. While you are engaging in the waving act, you may wish to send them a few air hugs and wind pecks, which is also part of the Peak-a-boo package.

It can be used as a noun, adjective or a verb

*note: please make sure the your Peak-a-boos are received by your boo and not a random person. There have been cases of Peak-a-boos being lost in transmission :)

"awww... they're such a Peak-a-booers"

"honey... i am Peak-a-booing you from a distance. with love"

"wow... that gorgeous guy just got Peak-a-booed by that girl over there"

"they are so Peak-a-booey"

:) :) :)

by Peak-a-boo<3 June 10, 2010

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