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Naparima college

Fear of being stupid and gay while eating a monkey’s anus discharge while smoking and catching a stroke with shiva

Oh he does go Naparima college that’s why he has viagra in his doubles

by SchlongZaddy March 14, 2021

5πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Colby College

A small, expensive undergraduate Liberal Arts college in Maine that primarily caters to students who were rejected from Bowdoin College.

At Bowdoin-Colby hockey games, it is common to hear chants of "SAFETY SCHOOL! SAFETY SCHOOL!" coming from the fans in black and white. Colby College kids know it's true and feebly retort with digs about polar bears or ugly girls or any number of things that don't sting remotely as much.

by Fanshawe September 9, 2011

98πŸ‘ 193πŸ‘Ž

Marist College

A stuck up, rich kid college in Poughkeepsie, NY. Where 3 out of every 5 girls is know for having an STD and was recently rated one of the WORST colleges to go to for 'unexplained reasons'.

Guy 1: 'Yo I partied with this chick who goes to Marist College last night and fucked her.'
Guy 2: 'Hahaha you probably have herpes now, dumb fuck.'

by stfu dumb cunt December 14, 2010

47πŸ‘ 89πŸ‘Ž

Pierce college

A pathetic excuse for a school. A place where you will find no aid or source of knowledge. Most likely to flake on you especially if you need them.

Student 1:Can you believe Carlos transferred to UCLA?

Student 2: Well obviously. He went to SMC , not Pierce college.

by Plasterflax January 22, 2016

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Northwest College

A small community college in Powell, Wyoming where sheltered christian kids can learn to drink before heading off to a real college where fratty is a way of life.

Ya man! Im sure glad i attend Northwest College!

by collinplaysbass March 22, 2011

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junior college

A school in Malta typically abbreviated to just JC. Junior College is a post secondary school in Msida home to a lot of basic people and nonces. Most people that attend the school are shitty persons overall. Except a few that are cool i guess.

Nathan."Fejj tmur skola bro?"

Kieran. "Junior College bro"

Nathan. "illostja kemm int depressed man"

by Il Kbir Albert October 9, 2020

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Plymouth college

a school which likes to track me down , come on im challenging you

paid 15,000 on term

Where did the 15 grand go.

no clue that's the end of that this is such a Plymouth college

by mr manequin November 30, 2021

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