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almond milk

A term used for almonds pureed in water. Usually described as almond milk because it's hard to say "nut juice" with a straight face.

Teacher: I prefer almond milk, or as I like to call it, "nut juice!"
Students: *snickering*
Teacher: Did I say something?
Jeff: Mr. Barnett, you're being such a faggot...

by Intelligence001 August 15, 2016

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Ass Milk

When a male ejaculates in another person rectum and the excess exits the rectum.

Friend #1 "Dude you you came in her butt?"
Friend #2 "Ya, it was messy. It totally came back out. Kinda looked like Ass Milk"
Friend #1"HAHA, gross"

by calibarista May 27, 2010

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Sex Milk

when you get hard to a jug of milk, when you ejaculate into a bowl of cereal, when your GF swallows your cum

ohh fuck i need some sex milk baby can we go again

by Fortniteporn.com December 10, 2019

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Milk Day

The third monday of January that is the U.S. Federal Holiday for milk.

Milk day fell on 1/16/2012.

"what's MLK day? is it milk day? I think they forgot the "I" in milk #confused #????" - @AlexEbinger via twitter

"What is this MLK Day I'm reading about? Milk day?" - @Koji_Katsuragi via twitter

by slartbarg January 17, 2012

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Expired Milk

Milk that is past the "use by" date printed on the container. It will smell bad, taste sour, and will begin to form large nasty chunks. If ingested, can cause many long hours of vomiting and diarrhea.

"Hey you didn't drink that expired milk in the fridge did you?!"

"That was expired! Ew, now I'm going to get sick!"

by Ashlie Mae January 14, 2012

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milk monsters

reallly big juggs, boobs, meat balloons, melons, racks, tits, breasts, milk plants,

look at jennifer's milk monsters!

by theevilmonkeyedgar August 5, 2009

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Milk Dud

When you put a dab in the tip of your dick and cum into your nail for a milky hit from your rig.

I burnt my dick doing this milk dud but I'm so high I can't even feel it yet.

by Boner negro July 26, 2019

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