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chop nuggets

Meaning busting your bubble. Annoying you . Making someone aggravated.

Your busting my chop nuggets

by Hi410 December 23, 2017

pretty nugget

A person who can be defined as a witch and displays behaviors of a premature douchebag.

Andrew, you're such a pretty nugget.

by Burrrrrrrito November 3, 2013

Dink Nugget

A small circular-shaped turd that drops in the toilet and makes a splashing sound (or a "dink" sound).

Less commonly used as an affectionate term to one's significant other or sibling, usually in response to something silly that person does.

PJ - "I just made a dink nugget!"

- -

Connor: "Hey sis, I just fed whipped cream to our hamster!"
Lauren: *Rolls eyes and laughs* "You're such a dink nugget!"

by Tofutie018 February 4, 2010

cheese nugget

cheese nugget, a nugget of cheese which makes you explosively shart in your grandma's toilet. beware of a cheese nuggets because only people of color can eat them.

Joshua - "is that is cheese nugget?"

Jamal _ "dude only black people can eat that racist."

by BABYCORPSES September 20, 2023

nerd nuggets

Dice with more or less than 6 sides ie. D20, D10, D4, etc

"Oh my god, did you see the all the nerd nuggets he had? I didn't even know they made a D150!

by SGT_Wilk March 18, 2017

Twat nugget

A twat nugget is a person who is comparable to that of an aborted fetus. The twat, being the vagina, and the nugget, the fetus.

Jackson is a twat nugget.

"Yo, you know that new guy Thomas?"
"Yeah, what a twat nugget"

"Bro, did you see how big that twat nugget was in the abortion clinic today? Jesus Christ!"

by TJ Incorporated March 1, 2018

Twat Nugget

A small child that doesn't understand how obnoxious they are

The little twat nugget who won't shut up about dinosaurs and keeps getting closer and closer

by BecauseTheresHer September 27, 2018