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bone number holder

Another word for phone, more specifically for women's numbers. Used similarly to Phlizzy.

Imma hit you up on the bone number holder.

by Neudurk December 4, 2023

Administration Unit Number One

The first admin, or the most important.

"Hello Administration Unit Number One! How are you doing today?"
"I'm pretty good, Administration Unit Number Two!"

by LunarLucario August 25, 2017


Where Anika gives me her number without making me feel illiterate.

Give me your numbere Anika.

by Shitballs0319 November 19, 2020

The number c

A young old child once said ‘the number C

1,2,3,The number C,4,5,6

by C is the magic number August 6, 2020

Fart Number

A fart number is the number of times you farted in a certain time period

Jack: Hey dude what’s your fart number for today

David: 72
Jack: DANG DUDE, you had some bean burritos yesterday

David: Yep, but mine is nothing compared to Jessica
Jack: What's her fart number

David: 109
Jack: Wow, I’m only at 24

by Your Dude 67 January 22, 2021

number 3.1

When you’re using your breat pump but forget to screw on the bottles so it leaks on your crotch and when you finally notice you’re sad you’ve lost all the milk so you start crying and pee yourself

Things sleep deprivation lead to: today I started pumping at work but forgot to screw the bottle in. I’ve now officially wet my pants at work... just with milk instead of pee. I got so emotional that I cried and peed myself and made a number 3.1

by DoubleDashes July 12, 2018

slip-n-slide slop number 6

unlike the other 5. number 6 takes a revolutionary take on the meaning of eating massive asshole.

guy one: yo are you going to josefs party?
guy two: yes, i heard there will be a lot of slip-n-slide slop number 6.

by Real Life Swag February 18, 2021