A boy that has a girlfriend at this point is wearing Air Force and black pants he is in 6th grade
Omg hey Patrick did you forget to wear green today
A patrick is the sexiest cunt gon
Look at that patrick hes sexy
Patrick is a big boy. He loves back scratches and spicy food. You will always have good fun when Patrick is near. He thinks he is the funniest person alive. Patrick is loud and offensive but has a heart of gold.
Patrick is the life and soul of the party
Patrick is a very charming and gorgeous man. Very much troublesome and a felon but always gets away with it. He is every girls dream man and will always fulfill every girls needs. He is so handsome its amazing. Patrick is a Angel sent from God himself that is a once in a life time charm.
Stop posting these to your stories. Nobody is reading them anyways.
Stop posting these to your stories.
Patrick - just a name