A dead beat dad who has handed his balls to his wife and chooses her over his first two kids.
" Richard L jr you sir are a douche canoe"
Imbesil imbesil imbesil imbesil imbesil imbesil imbesil imbesil imbesil imbesil imbesil imbesil imbesil imbesil gay como sus hermanos imbesil imbesil imbesil imbesil
Joder que imbesil es Richard gym
Richard is so gay. he loves jenna and penis. he sucks at quarterback and lax. he has an andriod rn.
Yo whattup
shut up richard russillo
Jack's Richard Feynman in Oppenheimer; 'The Hunger Games' alum, taking on the big scientific roles. Think he shaved for this role? Still handsome hot.
Example of how it's used in a sentence:
Person 1: Who's the tall, handsome physicist in Oppenheimer?
Person 2: Jack Quaid as Richard Feynman! 'The Hunger Games' to Nobel physics. top tier.
A person usually named Richard who is a sanctimonious dick.
Rich Smith is such a self-righteous Richard.
When one dresses their penis as a member of aristocratic society before a sexual act. I.E Drawing a mustache and/or placing a small top hat or suit on it.
Did you hear that Virt gave his girl a Vintage Richard?…
Aye look Richarde’ has more btcs den Mike Jay Reub and Bryce.