A sandwich made from the two ends of a loaf of bread; for best results use one end of white bread and one end of brown bread; recommended fillings include jam, jam or kinder bueno spread
Bro, I’m so hungry from the ten mile walk to the beach and back, I could seriously hack an end sandwich right now.
The process of two people pressing their ass together then shitting to make a thick layer of shit between the people
Wanna make a chocolate sandwich?
Hell no that’s disgusting!
When you go to fantasy girls and sandwich a sloot between you and your cousin and high five and talk about baseball while she gasps for air.
Bro the cousin sandwich last was unforgettable. Johnson was unbelievable.
A non existent sandwich that has never been made or ate but yet u still ask the question “have you ate the Jewish sandwich?”
Have you ate the Jewish sandwich yet
Becky and her friends are dragging us all to a gaudy picnic, better pack a slew of aluminum sandwiches.
A failed attempt to appear knowledgeable about a subject by just spouting off buzzwords, all sandwiched together, usually in the form of broken, heavily accented english, in response to an IT question.
Q: What is an IP Address
A: We can use IP technology, google queries, powershell answers, and collaboration to reach out and circle back.
Amit used a Buzzword Sandwich rather than just saying she didn't know