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sleep texting

when you say goodnight to a person through text then they respond to you with a question and you just have to reply.

person 1: okay well im going to sleep goodnight.
person 2: wait what is our homework?
person 1: oh page 135 questions 1-5.
person 2: thanks. wait i thought u were asleep?
person 1: i was sleep texting.

by texter1000 December 8, 2009

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ho to sleep

apparently a phrase used by gulab jaman (or by his clients). its a very derogatory and slutty way of telling a person to go to sleep. (can be slutty for the one saying the word, or for the one being said to)

ho to sleep u damn shrut!
ho to sleep i gotta work at β€œdaminos” and sell my β€œmarinera”!

by YorkMSABrozzers October 10, 2020

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Sleep Sesh

When you invite a person to your house for the sole purpose of sleeping.

Ay beotch, when is we gonna sleep sesh???

by Bob ross420 July 18, 2017

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Sleep for Dinner

When you are too tired out poor to get dinner, so you just sleep instead to forget about being hungry

Human 1: What should we get for dinner
Human 2: idk
Human 1: What did you have last night
Human 2: oh I didn't have any money so I went with the sleep for dinner route

by H@ June 3, 2018

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Sleep creep

When you cum on a passed out girl

I sleep creeped my girl last night

by May 4, 2020

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Sleep in the basement

When a bald man stick his head up another man's ass and attempts to stay there for an extended period of time.

Dave was in town for a visit and Bart offered to let him sleep in the basement.

by The English Prick April 7, 2021

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Sleep Laziness

The period of feeling where you've stayed up WAY past your natural sleeping time, and you feel like you're going to start nodding off, but you're too lazy to go into your actual bed.

2 sleeping in obviously uncomfortable position at desk
1 : "Hey 3, why is 2 sleeping like that?"
3 : "He stayed up too late last night and just passed out like that, everyone agrees that he really needs to work on his sleep laziness."

by Shiicloud July 8, 2011

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