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Social bubble

An algorithm developed by computer, which is based on your personal, social, political and other opinions. Commonly used by social media and eshops. This is what cookies are for. The algorithm then basically shows you more content like the one you clicked on earlier.

Positives: Ads that pop up are more relevant for you and servers like YouTube is going to show relevant videos for you.

Negatives: Often leads to extremism these days, especially during the covid-19 pandemic because people often get to certain social bubbles on social media, where are only other people with same opinions. This makes them closeminded and and think that they are woke.

Be very careful with your social bubble and try to pop it if possible. Listen to people with different opinions otherwise you end up as dogmatic as the catholic church during the middle ages.

Jamall: Yo we should talk more to Roy, cause he's trapped in his social bubble and is starting to talk shit about Oompa Loompas who built the pyramids and wanna kill anyone who says Chipotle 3 times in front of the mirror at midnight.
Phill: Yeah he's a good guy, we should not let that happen to him.

by apexgb January 3, 2021

Social Claustrophobia

It is what it is init

The UK is tryna be like the USA but we forget we’re too small, we suffer from Social Claustrophobia

by Northsidebenny April 21, 2020

Social House

Pretty optimistic guys from Pittsburgh that are pretty chill that floss regularly and thrift heavily for random things such as harnesses and fish net jumpsuits. Rarely found without positive energy and plant-based dietary restrictions. Some times found in the Hamptons. Legalize weed everywhere.

Dang...that Social House song is stuck in my head!

by iHeartRadio August 15, 2018

social fuckboyism

A common trait in western culture, specifically in schools, social fuckboyism is the fear of how one comes across to their peers. Symptoms include having a different group of friends inside and outside of school/work, building a perfect social media identity, dressing in clothes they don't like, and hiding their actual intrests while in public.

Social fuckboyism is ironic, because those afflicted with it will act out a second personality in public because they think it will make them happy and well-liked, while often having the opposite effect. If social fuckboys just embraced who they were and surrounded themselves with people that like them for who they are, they'd be so much happier.

Drew: "Why doesn't Devin talk to us at school?"
Mark: "He has social fuckboyism, and I think his other 'friends' are catching on to it."
Drew: "Man, that sucks. Is he still getting on the Teamspeak later so we can play some League?"
Mark: "I don't know, he might be going to that concert at the Palace tonight with the stoners."

by ItsNotOneSided November 8, 2015

Socially Interuppted

The Social Interruption, is when the process of your task is being interrupted by an exterior social event. This can be, for instance, a message on your phone, or someone coming towards you to talk.

CarMightyVids was socially interuppted by his colleagues.

by AlpharSeigen October 21, 2020

Socialled out

To feel exhausted from partaking in too many social activities or meeting with too many other people over consecutive days without time for oneself.

I have been so busy this weekend, I feel socialled out.

by O’Connor January 1, 2022

Social Netwank

The act of browsing through photos (usually holiday photos) of friends/colleagues on Facebook in order to find material to masturbate to.

Bill: Did you see Rachel's holiday photos on Facebook?
Bob: Any ones of her in a bikini? I fancy a Social Netwank.

by TnG August 30, 2015