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lead trumpet player energy

like big dick energy, but related to brass and jazz band. absolute confidence. no fear.

man that blues solo was kind of choppy but his lead trumpet player energy sold it

by Tim drake April 7, 2021

Flash Player's last day

Flash player's last day is on 30th December 2020 and is the last day to play flash games and watching flash movies for the last time.

Oh boy, it's flash player's last day, i gonna watch homestar runner on they website for the last time before it's too late.

by Randvps December 13, 2020

Kiss a tennis player day

It's a National kiss a tennis player day, it's happening on every month's 1st day.

guy 1: Oh, it's a new month again
guy 2: hell yes, it's kiss a tennis player day!

by themightyRRR December 19, 2019

Kiss a football player day

A day when a girl had to kiss a football player and tell them something they like about them

October 6

It’s kiss a football player day gi kiss him he deserves it

by Unknown 15......... October 1, 2021

Hearts of Iron 4 Player

A Subterranean Dweller who has fowl political takes all day and is built like a Neanderthal

Person A: on r/communism or something “The Soviet Union is so cool i wish I lived there!!! Stalin for the win!!!”
Person B: “No surprise there. Probably another Hearts of Iron 4 Player…”

by Raycroc1940 August 29, 2023

10👍 2👎

A Foolish Loomian Legacy Player

The DUMBEST Loomian Legacy player! Who, does not really do Loomian Legacy content at all (or sometimes!)

Foolish definitely does not simp for Nevermare...

Wait, A Foolish Loomian Legacy Player is a Nevermare simp?

Yeah you idiot.

by Nevermare Simp January 24, 2022

5👍 1👎

controller player 74

Guy who eats penis

Penis controller player 74

by What’s going guys September 13, 2020

1👍 5👎