Source Code

Bro man

the most sacred bro-ship between bros the love bro level is just induvious but in like a total opposite of gay way

ME and my bro man just chilled back yesterday

by j _wo March 23, 2009

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Superman That Bro

When you pretend to swallow a load of jizz, then wait till your man is asleepin' and spit it on his back. Attach sheet and away dat fucker goes........!!!!

Dude, last night was great. He jizzed in my mouth and I saved that shit so I could superman that bro.. Haha sucks bitch.

by campus laney jones March 20, 2009

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Bro whore

That chick who always hangs around with one group of bros. She has basicly been doing a circle of sexual favors for each bro in the group.

Jamizzle-"Hey i heard that the night after taylor blew jared, she had sex with dave!"
Ari- "she also blew chris, but she was too drunk to remember that one, what a Bro whore"

by Linnehuh December 26, 2009

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Blow Bro

When two guys are always hanging out together and spend all of their time together in a non-homosexual way, yet their relationship is borderline homo. At parties they are always sitting on the couch together instead of beating up the beat.

Elizabeth: "Brian is really cute, would you mind getting his number for me?"

Todd: "Trust me he will never give you the light of day, he's blow bros with John. They can never be separated."

by C-dizzledazzle March 8, 2010

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Bro Code

A set of codes for friends to live by: No friend shall date, talk to or hangout with another friends X girl unless he is approved to do so.

John broke bro code by hanging out with Bob's X girlfriend without getting approval first.

by Therealistofthereal January 15, 2015

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bro toe

What you call it when a guy's pants are so tight that you can see the bulge of his package. Like camel toe, but for dudes.

Jerome: Oliver, how do you like my tight new workout pants?

Oliver: Shit, get away from me, bitch. You got bro toe!

by mark the shark z November 17, 2007

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Bro Safari

Probably one of the most underrated DJ's ever.
Has been producing for quite some time, but is just now becoming known since people realized trap music is actually some good shit.
Toured with Skrillex, Valentino Khan, ETC! ETC!, UFO, and many others, and is now headlining some events.
A very large chuck of his music has been given out free, too.

Dude: Hey, have you heard of Bro Safari?
Ignorant Dude: Bro whut?
Later that night...
Ignorant Dude: *checks out Bro Safari*
Ignorant Dude: *Mind is blown by sheer dope-ness*

by PotatoesAreaVegetable? February 15, 2014

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