Daniel Buttons are very hot and love to be around people. Daniel are the class clown at school and very athletic. Daniel’s make funny jokes and when you have a daniel as a best friend you are very lucky. Daniel’s love playing football and makes friends easily. Daniel’s get into trouble at school because they do stupid things and say something stupid. Daniel’s make the class feel fun and when he is out people wish they were there.
Wow! Daniel Button is so good at football. I wish I could date him.
When you cum on a girls stomach and let it dry up in her belly button, and then pull it off like a waxing strip
Person 1: Wow your navel is so clean today! How’d you do it?
Person 2: Thanks! Kyle have me a Nepalese belly button cleanse last night!
To get better at something.
If someone messes up at work then a manager may say you need to sharpen up your buttons
Clitoris hidden by mounds of 1970’s style pubic hair.
“Bro. You smash that?”
“Bro. No. I was I. There, but it was like a serious safari trying to find that bush button. “
“Bro. “
“Bro. “
Fat pussy that Loves to ride allan Adam's cock at night and screams WhAt dO YoU MeAN and has anal with danielle and he does the RUNNING man across the classroom
The act of cumming inside a belly button, and optionally allowing it to drip out and down to the vagina.
"Babe, let's try threading the button tonight."
The bottom-left button with a windows icon. When you click it, the menu and options jump out in seconds.
Click the start button to find files, games, programs, etc or shut down your computer.