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Guitar hero

When a person is rubbing a girls clit vigorously to make her cum during sexy times.

He went guitar hero mode on her clit.

by 2shotsin September 11, 2020

Guitar Hero

A good game......

I don't know why everyone is whinging that people think that because they can complete a level on Expert that they can play it on a real guitar, but no one has ever claimed that they could play actual guitar just because they are good at guitar hero. Everyone knows that one's skill on a video game doesn't denote their skill level on another thing.

Guitar Hero is a good game which kills time, and playing a real guitar is also fun 🙂

by Eddie the Head December 5, 2022

Guitar Hero

Nickname for an asshole you work with that pisses everyone off while always wearing flannels and hair long enough to pass below his own nipples.

Yo, guitar hero, over here is a prime time example of how to fuck over anyone and everyone while thinking his shit doesn’t stink. He looks like he should work at guitar center.

by Flash Flash Hundred Mile Dash November 10, 2021

hero-pon riki

A fucking puff ball thieving bitch.

Hero-pon riki stole mah Monado!


Casual Heroes

A Gorup of people, or one person, who does stupid or funny stunts to gain the respect of others.

The Casual Heroes Are Idiots

by casualvideos October 23, 2008

Italian Hero

An expendable life for a cause, mainly for stupid reasons, such as accidents or incompetence.

It comes from the YouTuber Laith and his Hearts of Iron 4 play through.

Hanque ‘fell down the stairs’ when he opened the door for the Carabinieri agent standing with a rifle trained on him. Unfortunately, they didn’t have the right house. Hanque died an Italian hero.

by slomega June 4, 2024

comment hero

A random dick bag that tries to sound like a genius in comment sections, but clearly knows nothing about the subject. Similar to an armchair quarterback.

My latest YouTube video has a comment hero, trying to stir up some shit.

by El Wappo. May 22, 2020