Source Code

war with Iraq

A war started by the mega-dumbfuck Saddam Hussein when he invaded Kuwait.

A war that the mega-dumbfuck Saddam kept alive all these years by his blatant non-compliance with the world's demands.

A war that the mega-dumbfuck Saddam resumed every time he fired on U.S. and British troops and planes.

A War which Saddam could have avoided by complying with the last and final UN resolution which was the world's final warning.

Saddam sympathizers are a pathetic lot of snivelling cowards who were involved with corrupt dealings with Saddam including selling him weapons up to the last minute and even during the U.S. lead coalition's invasion in which they ousted the brutal dictator Saddam.These very weapons which the corrupt countries sold to Saddam are currently being used to kill U.S. and coalition forces.Those snivelling liberal cowards who sympathize with the Saddam sympathizers undermine the morale of the U.S. and it's coalition's troops thus giving aid and comfort to and encouraging the terrorists who are killing U.S. and coalition troops.
Kofi Annan condemns the U.S. claiming that the U.S. is engaged in an illegal war.Kofi Annan says that the U.S. is violating human rights and points to Abu Ghraib.Kofi Annan says nothing of Saddam's human rights abuses or of the terrorists human rights abuses both of which include cutting off limbs and sick tortures and beheadings etc.Kofi Annan is a FUCKER!

John Kerry's thinking is in-step with Kofi Annan's.

by Kerry is a dumb motherfucker ! ! ! ! ! ! September 22, 2004

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Stick Wars

A comic written and illustrated by John Mitchell and Scott Longshore about three main characters:
*Steve-A smart ass, drama king from hell
*The Chosen One-A stupid, yet funny cliche' of characters in other stories, that are considered "chosen".
*Black guy-A stick man who is the same color as everyone else but has "soul" and an NWA attitude, he likes to shoot all of their enemies and more often, innocent bystanders.

These three characters help make the stupidest comic an extremely fun to read work of art.
Stick wars has a host of guests including; Jonny Applesead, Conan O'brien, Joel Goddard, Scott Longshore, John Mitchell, and many more!!!!!!!!

Stick wars is awesome!!!!!!!

by kingjohncutty January 27, 2006

8๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

war on terrorism

Evil v.s. Evil.

America v.s. Arabs, Mulslims, anyone wearing a turban, anyone with a long beard and all brown skinned people.

by jpj June 11, 2004

42๐Ÿ‘ 64๐Ÿ‘Ž

civil war

When A country is divided by issues and it causes conflict between two camps.

Such As the British civil war, Parliment Vs. Royalty.

Or the French Civil War, where they introduced the use of the gullitine.

America is not the only country to have had a CIVIL war.

"Im learning about the Civil War in History"

"Oh, Gee, i know all about that, are you confused about the Missouri Compromise, i sure know i was"

". . . Red Roses, White Roses, Oliver Cromwell?"

"Silly, there wasn't any roses in The Civil War"

". . ."

by idonthaveaname October 1, 2006

14๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž

war penis

When two men are fucking a girl in her ass and her vagina. The two penises constantly hit each other. Eventually one penis will go inside the other eloping them together. Then in order for the penises to come out, they need to be surgically removed.

" Want to go war penis my sister," said John

by Dr.LongShlong12344321 May 10, 2016

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War hero

An individual who has participated in a dangerous conflict and committed an act of bravery, such as assaulting a building, extinguishing a fire on a bombed ship or bringing a wounded soldier to safety while being in the open.

An individual who has either saved a life, taken a life or completed a significant military objective to advance the war theater while being in the line of duty, or as a civilian.

Opposite to War Veteran, as unlike them they actually did something credible.

Jack lifted his Sergeant while under suppressive fire and brought the wounded soldier to safety, thereby saving a life. He is a true war hero.

by Revolutionize July 19, 2015

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war story

Stories about one's partying. Usually when drinking a person will start to talk about his or hers awesome time at a party. Usually the teller of the story will make up stuff to make the party seem better than it really was.

Tim talking to a group of friends: Hey remember that time we went to the club and shit faced and went home with those models? It was fucking the shit, first we .....

Clark: Man are you telling that freaking war story again.

by subotai August 19, 2010

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