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oh yeah that movie that trending? I watched that too!

Hey did you watch the new movie Luca?
Yep, it Was Fun!

by canyon is dumb June 27, 2021


A guy with a chode

He has a Lucas

by March 26, 2021


A boy with a mangina with balls hanging out of it

He has a Lucas

by March 26, 2021


a dumb ass person

that lucas is dumb

by wildtank1908 July 7, 2022


Lucas is the kind of guy who may seem unapproachable at first because of his tough guy persona but once he decides you’re trustworthy you’ll see a whole new side of him. Lucas doesn’t trust very easily and for good reasons. He has been hurt in the past and because of it sees the world in a certain way. When you first meet a Lucas he may seem quiet, standoffish, cold, stoic or just an A grade douche bag. It may just be all the tattoos…. However if you take the time to get to know him you’ll realize he is quite the character. There are very few Lucas will let get close to him but if you’re one of them you should feel very lucky. Underneath all that bad boy persona there is an amazing, caring, sweet, funny, intelligent and creative man. He’s got eyes you could just fall into. Be careful though because if Lucas feels betrayed or hurt he will become your worst nightmare. If you do ever meet a Lucas never base your opinion of him based on what others say because most of it will be lies spread around by people who don’t understand him or have taken the time to get to know him. He has struck out in the love department a few too many times which has made him put many walls around his heart. However cold he may seem there is that one special girl out there who will see past all of his imperfections because she can see who he truly is even if he doesn’t.

sally: look here comes Lucas *eye roll*

Brenda: sorry what I got lost in those eyes

by kissykissybabydoll<3 January 9, 2024


A Lucas is someone who at first might seem very stoic or cold. However this is a front he puts on because he has been hurt before. He won’t let anyone know that and very few will be able to get close enough to be able to see that. Lucas is the type of guy that will be a grade an asshole to everyone around about anything but when you’re alone with him he will look at you and will talk to you in a tone that makes your heart melt. There are very few people that Lucas can actually tolerate and if you’re one of them consider yourself very lucky because if you prove to him you’re not worth his time or energy he will cut you off with no hesitation. Lucas is an amazing, caring, complicated and guarded guy who wants everyone to believe the big tough guy/bad boy persona when in reality he just wants someone who will stick around long enough to understand him. His bad boy energy is almost intoxicating and a girl could literally die from an overdose of it but the right girl who can handle it may just make him the happiest guy on earth. If you have a Lucas in your life you’re very lucky he can make a very best friend or your worst fucking nightmare. Its all up to you and how you treat, and present yourself to him. If you double cross him or make him feel as though you’re no longer able to be trusted he will be your biggest enemy and will have no remorse because from his point of view you could have avoided any of it by not breaking his trust or playin him like a fool.

Becky: oh my god who is that with Lucas

Shelly: I’m not sure the girl he’s with changes almost hourly *rolls eyes*

by kissykissybabydoll<3 January 11, 2024


Lucas is tall and friendly. He is very charismatic and can make you fall for him easily. He is the best bro and is loyal to all who are nice to him. Once you make friends with a Lucas, keep him. He will never not appreciate you. He loves all his homies no matter how gay it is but he is a true one. Lucas looks very happy but can sometimes get hurt by carrying the weight of his friends' problems (he is the therapist of his friend group)but he wouldn't want to bother anyone with his problems. Lucas can sometimes be very sad but he is happy most days. Everyone asks if he plays basketball and he probably does.

Peyton: Does Lucas play basketball?
Morty: Ofc he does, he's LUCAS.

by youdontevenknowwhoiamdude October 18, 2020