A long book that details extraordinary people that commonly use the term 'awesome' to define themselves, thus ultimately making it true.
The Book of Awesome says that the boy over there said he was awesome, so it must be true!
A person who needs lots of attention and wants to be sexually active but can’t because of their personality.
Hey your acting like a awesome Dawson
Sorry I didn’t mean to be annoying I just want some pussy
used to describe something that only these mortal words can convey, something that comes from the literal heavens, something that mortal men crave for, something that could cause total warfare around the world just for it.
Guy 1: "dude, that's like epic awesome-sauce on a plate of bodacious!"
Guy 2: "shut up"
The religious belief in the power of the "Almighty Awesome" to believe in awesomism makes you an awesomist
Awesomist have their prayer meetings at rock concerts. Isn't awesomism awesome?
The best way to fold a burrito... as follows:
1- Fold a small portion of the bottom up, to keep your shit from falling out.
2- Wrap the right end over your delicious burrito fillings (beef, refried beans, cheese, lettuce, etc.) and try to tuck it in under the deliciousness.
3- Take the part you just folded, and roll it to the left to complete your Burrito Of Awesomeness.
4- Eat that shit!
The Burrito Of Awesomeness is the best way to make a Tacho.
me, or you if you're either mc ride or danny brown
"dude im so fucking awesome"
"yeah i know danny brown