It MEANS plenty of BLAME to go around not just ANAL ALAN SHIT ASSH0LE scapegoat.
Hey you know let me put it to you this way MANDALAY BAY SHOOTINGS SENDSURROUND as major players will be listed after a WEIGHTING can be determined , so this UPCOMING VERY IMPORTANT DEFINITION is on temporary hold but this TANTAMOUNT ONE will be sent to APPRISE OF THIS STELLAR NEW FINDINGS that will be summarized soon in a CONCISE and TO THE POINTS MANNERS.
While this literally expands to "tah tah for now, okay, thanks, goodbye..." the pop culture connotation is that you are making a flippant or perhaps merely hasty retreat from a conversation with the speed of a 1980s or 1990s Anime school girl. The character of Yukio in Deadpool 2 comes to mind, as well.
One can also shorten it further as "ttfn kthx bai" or "ttfnkthxbai".
Certainly related to, though a nuance in use of the constituant parts "ttfn" "kthx" and "bai". The "ttfn" adds a friendly aspect, while the "kthx" adds snark, followed by the finality of "bai" - when combined it forms a powerful and ambiguous immediate ending to a conversation, though ironically is often not the last words. It's quite common to have the other party respond with expressions of either offense or solidarity with your assertion using this phrasing.
Friend: "So yeah, I know I've been telling like every gory detail but ..."
doorbell rings
You: "OMG, my pizza is here! I've got to go, sorry!"
Friend: "No problem..."
You: "ttfn kthx bai"
Friend: "Bai"
1👍 1👎
The closest thing to Hell that you could imagine.
I sure hope I don't end up in Geraintanamo Bay! I hear there's a creepy man dancing awkwardly and singing The Eye of the Tiger 24/7!
Next day regret from an E-Bay purchase.
"Yesterday I bought a fairing bracket on E-Bay. Now I have an E-Bay Hangover trying to pay for it."