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French Fries

The long, wiggly, soft, tasty poles that everyone eats. Fries are great. Just imagine eating out vigina... or for gay guys, sucking some dick. Its amazing.

French Fries for sucking...

by NucularKiller32 January 16, 2018

1👍 1👎

French fries


Stop throwing “French fries” at me , throwing “Frenchies

by Www.Kristymalceski@outlook.com December 4, 2022

French fries

A true testament on friendship

"Are you guys friends"
"Yeah he brought me French fries"

by Imrightthanks June 12, 2015

French fries

The best being the Belgian ones !

Thumbs up for Belgian French fries.

by 1/1/V(3/V7-)3 December 4, 2019

french fries

the fucking best food in the world so oily and deep fried and salted the only part about french fries that sucks is when seagles steal them but the solution is to order chicken wings on the side

those french fries are the bomb

by <====8 November 6, 2020

French Fries

The act of sucking toes while driving.

Arnold: How was the ride with Stephanie?
Nick: Great! She gave me French Fries on the way there.

by witgee August 28, 2018

That delivery driver ate my fries! Outrageous!

When the delivery driver eats your fries and it's outrageous

"That delivery driver ate my fries! Outrageous!"

by sroobkiller October 30, 2024