A stack of sacks. A Gang Bang. A Scrotom Pole.
What started as a threesome quickly became a Sack Stack when ten more guys showed up.
While sitting, a fart passes around the ball sack, causing the sack to quiver.
Sometimes I enjoy the feeling of a quivering sack.
A not-so-bad word used by people under the influence of drugs to describe saggy balls
Holy frick sack those balls are around his ankles!
When something is annoying or a liability, it is a Lump Sack.
"Your crime history is a real Lump Sack for your unemployment, David."
1. When one guy helps another guy out for no other reason than they are both guys.
John: Hey Steve, thanks for that sack assist.
Steve: No problem John. Always nice to help out a fellow man.
An expresion showing anger and hate toward a complete retard or just a dumb person.
Let me take a hit -Joey
No you "sack of cum"-Andrew
Jenny hurry up i need to Jerk off - Bill
What the fuck ill take my time you "sack of cum"-Jenny
a teenage boy who is very annoying and rings and dings with there voices and occasionally screeches
Jack your such a FLACKING SACK stop dinging!