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Your Mom




by sekmem December 18, 2019

your mom

some times used for roast

your mom is so stupid...

by XLE1829 December 11, 2018

Your mum

Your mum is a hot milf

I had sex with your mum last night

by Ihavefeelingsforu November 20, 2021

Your mum

The person that I fucked in the ass so god damn hard

Your mum taste so good -1
Your not my friend -2

by The man who has a chin March 9, 2022

Your mum


Your mum hot

by Smallchunguz July 28, 2021

your mum

A dumb joke that idiots use like me.

idiots also use it for roasting people but we all know that won't work

roast: person: boii you look like saggy wet noodles

idiot: like your mum?

by WhoEatDaOreo January 14, 2017

your mum

ones mother
(your mum)

oh her mum
(your mum)

by salmonpinkshirts December 30, 2020