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Scene Kid

A group of kids or one kid that is obnoxiously obsessive over what others will thinks and what they want others to think. In order to be a scene kid, you must wear all the right clothes and all the right hair styles, etc., or else you will be called a poser.

The "Scene Kids" must listen to either electric pop, or alternative pop. If you listen to alternative music, you must say that you listen to rock and punk, even though that's not what it is. But if you want to be a scene kid, you can never ever actually listen to real punk or rock, because that goes against the nature of a true scene kid.

If you want to be a "Scene Kid", you must have the right hair. You have to have several colors in your hair. You can't just have one, because then, you are a "poser." You also must always wear either a gangster hat, or have your hair teased, but only in the back. You can't NEVER have your hair parted down the middle, because that is just to preppy for the scene crowd. So your hair must be parted as far to the side as possible, and you have to have super super thick bangs so that you cannot see a single speck of your forehead.

The scene crowd all have synchronized outfits. You have to wear jeans so tight that you are forced to lose weight. Also, you have to wear band t-shirts for bands such as "3OH!3", "Forever The Sickest Kids", "Cute Is What We Aim For", "The Devil Wears Prada", etc. You can't wear a new pair of shoes. No no no, never. You have to have beat up converse or vans, because it is the WORST possible thing you can do if you look the least bit swanky. Also, if you wear clothes from Hollister or Abercrombie you will be considered a "poser", and people will call you preppy instead of scene.

Hope you have fun with the "Scene Kids"!

Oh my god, look at that girl over there with the red, yellow, orange, purple, and blue hair, she's such a scene kid.

Wow, check out that girl with the Motion City Soundtrack shirt and the skinny leg jeans on, she's sooo scene.

Holy Tornado, that guy has alternative on his myspace, he must be a scene kid!

by Tinkkkk0x April 21, 2009

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gay scene

Is normally a group of gays and lesbians which are well-known or popular. They are sometimes looked up at by some homosexuals. They try to stand-out by wearing expensive clothes, jewellery, perfume, etc. These people may also be talked about behind their backs by wannabes and jealous people who seriously need to get over themselves and must stop looking into other people's lives and look at their own.

Boy 1: Yana has such wonderful hair.
Boy 2: No she doesn't! It looks awful!
(2 guys talking about a girl in the gay scene)

Girl 1: Marc has such long beautiful nails!
Girl 2: More like claws!! Have you seen his eyebrows? eww
(2 girls talking about a guy in the gay scene)

by xPoisonxPillsx December 14, 2005

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Scene Kids

A word adopted by Emo kids, who are annoyed about the fact that, GOD ALMIGHTY, someone else has the same plastic neon beads as them, and therefore they are "blatantly scene".

It's just a label so that when someone feels their so called "individuality" threatened by another emo, they can class them as "scene kids" and everything is all brilliant.

Also, the term scene can be used by TOTALLY HARDCORE emo's, who want to be SO FRIGGIN emo that they are like, actually BEYOND, and tada, they become "to scene for your ass". And it's suddenly all about how scene they are because christ, you would never catch them wearing drain-pipes, since they are actually not retro at all, and all the other less scene kids are wearing them to impress the emo kids that actually classed them as scene kids in the first place.

Yeah, basically. Scene kid's aren't the problem, it's the few emo's who are way to big headed to admitt someone else might have a clothing and music taste as carefully designed, copied and obviously "totally individual" said Emo.

Average Jo: Hey, did you see Kelly was wearing totally cool footless-tights the other day.
Arrogant emo girl: Friggin scene kid. She's only doing it cause it's "emo".
Average JO: I thought you had a pair?
Arrogant emo girl: I do, god, see what I mean about copying, friggin Scene kids.

by The Mona Lucy November 6, 2006

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scene kids

Dyed Short Black Choppy Hair. Bow In It Usually. Bright Pink Or Red Eyeshadow. With Eyeliner and Liquid eyeliner. bright red lipstick. rings. bring dangly earrings. 70 sex bracelets. leggins. short skirt. bright coloured top with leopard print or stars. converse, vans, or leopard print shoes. i look like that. most days. everybody i have asked has told me i am not scene. i do not have a scene personality. i dont smoke or say nigger non stop. yeh i might wear that. but i wear that because i've been dressin like that for the past 2 years. you can tell me i have nooo personality cause i want to dress like that. call me cocky and arrogant cause i like to take pictures. you are really pathetic. i bet half the people who wrote these are people who think there ''emo'' when they're really like the biggest scene kid going. do everybody a favour and stop being so goddamn hypocritical.

i wont bother making an example for scene kids. i hope i have given you something to think about.

by wosie! August 1, 2006

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a boy or girl who is partialy scene, but indie as well. They are really fun people, most often surrounded by other indie or scene kids. They have the "indie" attitude and some of the "scene" characteristics. (ex.)black or dark hair {scene}, some scene clothes,always really happy{indie},listen to all types of music {indie},also listens to screamo/emo/scene music {scene}

Indio-billy girl Kat-"hey Byrdie, I think that sexy indi-scene boy just threw a tennis ball at you."
Indie chick Byrdie-"really, you mean the one with the black hair and beanie?"
Kat- "uh-huh...he's also wearing a converge band tee and those sexy torn indie rocker jeans."
Byrdie-"damn...it's too bad that throwing a tennisball at me isn't gonna get him anywhere..."
Kat-"ya...besides... who throws a tennisball?"

by byrdie January 4, 2008

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scene kid

A scene kid is usually a teen, from the ages of 13-19, who has just realised that being an emo was making everyone think they were a twat so they decide to make everyone see that they weren't.


Black hair with extensions, backcombed. Might have a few neon colours to make them look *unique*

Thick eyeliner, because they dont know any other way from when they were emo

Wears things they think are unique, but usually aren't. They try to look as un-emo as possible.

Goes to loads of shows. Wanks to Jeffree* and Hello Kitty. Idols are often scene models, namely Audrey Kitching, Zui Suicide, etc.

Popular on either Bebo or myspace, has loads of pictured of themself to whore themself to everyone.

Puts a name related to death or something $C3ne after their name, for example SueSuicide, ChloeCarnivore.

Advertises themselves as vegetarian, even though they probably eat haribo and jelly.

Can't stand anyone who is new to the scene.

Listens to either screamo or techno music, even if they dont like it.

has loads of piercings, namely septum, lip piercings, ear stretchers, things which make them look scener than the person they're sitting next to.

Wants to be anorexic


Black hair, fringes, just like an emo haircut.

skinnies, hoodies, black stuff, still pretty emo.

big nikes, adidas or supras.

acts cool, but at home is a pussy.

obsessed with tattoos

thinks moshing is for hard nuts, just like themselves.

gay boys.

just go to your nearest town and the ones who look like gay fags are scene kids.

by Marcellaaa January 17, 2009

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scene girl

a lame chick who tries to be all non-conformist, but completely follows the crowd and looks like all her friends, even the guys. usualy has a stupid hair cut, and is apparently all "Hardcore"

i think my deffinitions of scene girl is enough for now

by peace and love November 16, 2006

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