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Thanksgiving shit

1. A Ginormous nasty shit taken the day after Thanksgiving
2. A reference to the shit taken after Thanksgiving

1. My Thanksgiving shit was huge this year.
2. Dude i just too a fu#*ing Thanksgiving shit.

by Weesnaw_95 October 26, 2007

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Off the shits

Short term is OTS, This means a person is either high drunk or rolling. Rolling is the slang term for high on a pill. Originated in Chicago but now known wide because of a rap group known as GBE.

Just smoked a thoint i'm off the shits

This flat got me off the shits

Sippin on this hen i'm off the shits

by ChicagoNative February 11, 2013

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shit fairy

A mythical fairy who comes while your sleeping and shits in your mouth as punishment for over endulging in alcohol.

This explains why after a heavy night drinking you wake up with a yucky taste in your mouth.

Morning after a heavy night drinking.

"Man musta had a visit from the shit fairy last night my mouth tastes horrible"

by Richard Jackson February 14, 2005

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Atomic Shit

A large shit that makes a nuclear explosion of biblical proportions causing vaporizing of all matter within 200 yds following the pinching off a monstrous turd.

Detective: Why is this house vaporized, Fire Chief?
Fire Chief: Well sir, it looks like we have another case of an Atomic Shit this week.
Detective: I suspect someone within the household visited a spicy, Mexican restaurant within the past 24 hours.

by TheLargestShitInHistory December 28, 2011

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Super Shit

A shit so amazingling huge you must remove the side of your house and have a flat bed truck transport it to the ocean where it will take up to three months for the mammoth shit to break down into several thousand small shits.

This is often a side affect from eating freeze-dried food or too much bread with water.

Everyone leave, I have to take a super shit... NOW!

by Dewit May 27, 2009

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WTF is this shit?

A phrase uttered by a dumbfounded person or persons after witnessing an act committed by an individual that is so incredibly stupid, ridiculous, retarded, moronic, and asinine that no other words can describe the idiocy of this certain individual.

1. 4chan user: Posts yet another Rule 34 picture, this time of V for Vendetta and Chuck Norris.

Sane 4chan user: WTF is this shit?

2. Reaction to hearing Miss North Carolina state that Budapest is capital of France, and Europe is a country on Are You Smarter Than A Fifth Grader?

5th Graders: WTF is this shit?

by khaan111 June 24, 2009

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quantum shit

1.)subject matter that can be percieved to be overwhelming, complicated, deep, clever, nice, slick, or by all means 'hardcore'; a topic that goes beyond average comprehension
2.) the phrase or reply given to an individual who has made a complicated or misunderstood topic seem very clear

1. "Mang, that nigga was talkin about some quantum shit last night..."
2. "DAMN!!! That's some quantum shit!!!"

by the dark knight batman June 9, 2006

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