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game kill

When friend will not leave you and a member of the opposite sex time alone. Thus causing frustration.

See also cock block

Dude Dirkamo Dustin is such a game kill!!!

by oh my dawg June 20, 2006

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Game Up

Stepping up your game, but in a more literal sense for gamers only. A more hardcore version of "Get Good", but not as intense as "Square Up".
Only to be used by true gamers.

Casual: "Man, I really messed up that match."
The Proโ„ข: "Just Game Up, dude."

by 69GamerLetsGoBoys69 October 19, 2019

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Gaming Coma

When someone spends pro-longed periods doing nothing in their spare time other than playing video games. This can be anything from a few days up to several months.

Person 1: Hey, have you seen Dave? He was supposed to go see the film with us the other day.

Person 2: Not likely. He's been in a gaming coma all week.

by penfy May 9, 2010

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Danger Game

Any action that is believed to eventually end with a negative consequence

"That's such a danger game leaving your bong in the middle of the floor man."

by Kyle Montooth March 8, 2007

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Gamed Out

To be completely wasted to the point of no return. To the point where memory ceases to exist. High, Drunk, Bared out, whatever you may choose

Guy 1 "Yo, what happened last night?
Guy 2 "I don't even know, I was so gamed out."

by FunfettIncorporated March 29, 2009

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Ender's Game

The sexual act of placing both fists into at least one orifice of your partner in a gesture of celebration.
It does still count if you put it in two separate partners.

The teaser, the pleaser, the rocker, the spocker,the shocker, the show stopper, and finally Ender's Game.

Nick "My woman said she wouldn't make me a sandwich"
Steve "What did you do?"
Nick, "I skipped from pleaser to Ender's Game, and lets just say, best fist bump ever!"

by Penquin42 December 8, 2009

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video game

invention made to distract males from their females to reduce the amount of babies born

i lay in bed naked while my boyfriend cannot stop playing the stupid video game to fuck me

by horny101 October 30, 2011

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