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Tri-County Regional Vocational Technical High School

A school where every kid is either extremely right-wing or they're in the medical shop, if you don't share the same general opinions as other kids in your shop then congrats you're getting bullied. If you find a teacher who isn't sick of the students then they're probably sick of the shitty faculty members who can't communicate with anyone on anything unless it's in the form of either a poorly made pdf file or getting everyone in one room to talk for way too long.

Person 1: The name "Tri-County Regional Vocational Technical High School" is honestly way too long

Person 2: bro just call it "Tri"

by TabsTheGreat January 11, 2021


High-Counties---Napa-Lake counties in Calif are adjacent to one another...Napa is the wine capital of the world...Lake county is becoming the cannabis capital of the world. There are a lot of DRY-counties in the south and midwest. California has only HIGH counties instead.

We went on a trip to Arkansas driving through some dry-counties. We are lucky to live in the High-counties of Napa-Lake in California

by jojotep January 25, 2022

Roane County Abortion

When you consume an eightball of methamphetamine and have intercourse with an impregnated female until she miscarries the unwanted fetus.

Man i can't afford no more kids guess im goin' have to get some go and give her a Roane County abortion!

by Frtt656y October 27, 2023

Orange county condoms

someone who sucs on orange flavored condoms for fun or mastebation

ryan did some Orange county condoms last night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

by whhwejcdbwehudj February 20, 2010

Jay county

AH jay county known as jay tucky jay tucky is where all the hicks and Mexicans live but Jay county highschool have alot of nic heads and pot heads and the bathrooms are were they go to get nicced up or high

boy 1: have you heard of jay county

boy 2: you mean jay tucky?

by yourdad2020 December 8, 2020

derby county

the greatest fucking team in the championship. SHEEP SHAGGER ARMYYYY

Holy fuck derby county have won again.

by ifookinglovekenzogoudmijn December 26, 2024

County Gut

When you go to County Jail and come out fatter because the only food available makes you fat.

1. Yo girl, what's up with that county gut?
2. I can't move with this country gut.

by chupon April 20, 2013