Fake beef that’s mainly onesided.
Ruth and I have big “Rosie” beef.
When you have beef with someone, which then results in you having beef with someone else. (Typically one of their friends.)
Person 1: Damnnn. Emma hates me because I have beef with her boyfriend Jimmy.
Person 2: Sounds like you got some secondhand beef.
a angry man who thinks everyone is mean to him.
Geez that guy must have the name beef.
A big burly man who does nothing but has sex. That's all he does.
My man Brandon is a beef machine.
A crude description of the art of fisting a female.
Yo nigga, did you wear her like a beef bracelet last night?
The act of taking a dump, rising, turning around, and then ejaculating on top of the shit. If there are multiple persons doing this, it’s called a Franko experiment.
It wasn’t until Brad walked into the bathroom to piss that he saw why Josh was moaning so loud this morning. In the toilet sat a helpful serving of creamed beef.
Women, particularly 2 or more, who have a lot of tension, stress and malice towards each other. Usually involves petty drama, or semi-serious allegations.
“Damn, why are Chichi and Drac so tilted over Gulab Jamon..?”
“Bitch Beef my bother, Bitch Beef.”